Mission Statement
Share the life story and experiences of an ordinary man who is an urban creature but hails from rural Punjab. The writings shared herein will be original. I want some part of my mortal self to echo in the universe for a while after I am gone. Protospeak will serve as an instrument to fulfill the wish.
Steve Job's quote is going to be my guide here: "Keep looking, and don't settle down."
Continuous improvement in writing standard and clear thinking will be
the most important ingredients of this blog. Impurities like SEO
keywords shall be kept at bay.
My first introduction to blogging was some time circa 2005. I guess I had seen Badar Khushnood, the Google guy in Pakistan speaking about the wonders of blogging and how people were making tonnes of cash using it. I created a blog named
Exhaust, wrote a few things sitting in an internet cafe, and totally forgot about it shortly afterwards.
Notable Blogging Credentials
2008 was the year when I started writing on
A Programmer's Day, my tech blog. It is in good shape, attracts a couple hundred people every day. But, it is a blog focused on technology. It is unsuitable for general public, in my opinion.
In 2009
"Khuli Kitab" کھلی کتاب (open book) my Urdu blog was born, I still put out a piece every other week on that blog. We have a small Urdu blogger community in Pakistan. Feed aggregators like
اردو سیارہ
and a few Facebook outlets are used to publicize content. This blog pulls less than 100 hits every day.
The Freelance Times was my latest blog which was also focused on a niche. I have stopped freelancing ever since I joined a job in March 2015, which means I don't have much to say on that front at least for now. Read no more posts for a while.